Contract Auditing

How do you feel about your internal audit program?

A couple of times a year, as an auditor, I run into a situation where the incumbent quality manager leaves, a new person is put in his or her place, and it is discovered that the internal audit program has not been maintained. You need an internal audit to maintain your ISO system.

Sometimes it is wise to regularly outsource part or all of your internal audit program every year. I am someone with a lot of experience that does this kind of work all the time. I know the quality systems standards, and can tell you right away where the issues are. I have several satisfied clients who rely on me to do their internal audit every year, thus getting it out of the hair of the local quality system management.

I do “contract auditing” for a variety of clients (my project list is on the “About Jim Shell” page). What this means is I will come into your business, give you a registrar-quality internal audit, which is what I do, and that will fulfill the internal auditing requirements of the standard.

Benefits of Contract Auditing:

Fresh Set of Eyes

Non-threatening and positive

Highly trained and skilled auditor, with a lot of experience, and entertaining.

A chance to train your internal auditors

A “Dry Run” with a registrar-quality auditor

Takes internal politics and personalities out of the situation.

Very knowledgeable

A chance to educate your workforce about the ISO standard. (“Share the Love” is my number one rule of ISO auditing).

As a contract quality manager outsourced person, I “get audited” so I am in exactly the same situation you are and can sympathize.

Since I work for two (sometimes three) global registrars, and have aerospace auditing credentials, I do an excellent job of duplicating the “real audit” experience because I am a working auditor, and you get the “real” audit I do for the registrars, with the benefit of help in solving any conformance issues.


The real cost of an internal audit program is the interruption of your normal business activities as you take time to go through your internal audit every year. Hiring an outsourced internal auditor with experience gives you a better quality audit, with minimal disruption in your normal business.

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